Natural: Natural Family Planning is 100% organic.
NFP is a series of 3 classes taught by parishioners Krista and Jake Lasko, a certified teaching couple with the Couple to Couple League. As part of these classes, couples learn the Sympto-Thermal Method, a way of using the language of the body to better understand a woman’s fertility. While developing a deeper appreciation for John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, Authentic Love, and Responsible Parenthood.
Live local class series are usually offered 3 times a year and attendance to all 3 classes in each series is mandatory.
Please contact for more information or visit
This course is taught in a private one-on-one setting, with a trained FertilityCare Practitioner. The Creighton Model Program includes an introductory session and 5 follow up sessions, spanning 3 months. This completes the marriage preparation course portion. The course highly encourages the couple to complete 3 additional follow up sessions after the wedding (with an additional fee). Each private session provides a chart review.
With this method, a woman observes her cervical fluid throughout the day and records this information on her chart at the end of each day.
The Creighton Model also features NaProTECHNOLOGY, which is a new women’s health science. Both the Creighton Model System and NaProTECHNOLOGY provide a medical framework to evaluate and treat a variety of conditions from which women of reproductive age suffer.
This method is highly recommended for women with gynecological problems (such as PMS, ovarian cysts, irregular cycles, PCOS, or endometriosis) or infertility. This program is offered in English and Spanish by our parishioner Krista Lasko, contact her at 303-335-7615 for more information.
Pure: Keep it pure. Your body…Your water…Your marriage.