Welcome to Our Churches

St Vincent and St Mary of the Crown are so blessed to be part of God’s country here in the valley, especially in the communities of Basalt, El Jebel and Carbondale.  We pray that many may encounter the living Jesus, especially at the celebration of the Eucharist at both our churches.  May the Good Lord bless you always and please contact us with any prayer intentions, needs or questions.

Fr. Salvador Sanchez

St. Mary of the Crown, Carbondale

  • 6:30pm Vigil Mass Saturday (Spanish)
  • 8:30am Mass Sunday (English)
  • 8:30am Mass every first Saturday of the month (English)

St. Vincent, Basalt

  • 4:30pm Vigil Mass Saturday (English)
  • 10:30am Sunday  (English)
  • 12:30pm Sunday (Spanish)

St. Mary of the Crown, Carbondale

  • Tuesday: 7:30am
  • Thursday: 7:30am
  • Last Thursday of the Month: 6:30pm (Spanish)

St. Vincent, Basalt

  • Wednesday: 7:30am
  • Friday: 7:30am
  • Last Friday of the Month: 6:30pm (Spanish)

*First Saturday of the month devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at St. Mary of the Crown, Carbondale. 8:00am rosary followed by mass at 8:30am.

All weekday masses are in English or are bilingual. 

When Fr. Salvador is not available to celebrate weekday masses, deacon Joe will celebrate the Communion Service.
We try to keep up-to-date information on our main calendar.
You can see the main calendar to find out if it will be Mass, Communion Service or in some cases if it is canceled.

St. Vincent Basalt

Ash Wednesday

7:30am English Mass 

6:30pm Spanish Mass


Lent Confessions

Thursday, March 20th from 6:00pm – 7:30pm 

Stations of the cross Fridays during Lent at 7:00pm Bilingual



Holy Thursday, April 17th- 6:30pm in Spanish

Good Friday, April 18th – 6:30pm in English

Holy Saturday, April 19th – 8:00pm in Spanish


St. Mary of the Crown Carbondale

Ash Wednesday

6:00pm English Mass 

7:30pm Spanish Mass


Lent Confessions

Friday, March 21st from 6:00pm – 7:30pm 

Stations of the cross Fridays during Lent at 6:00pm English & 7:00pm Spanish



Holy Thursday, April 17th- 6:30pm in English

Good Friday, April 18th – 6:30pm in Spanish

Holy Saturday, April 19th – 8:00pm in English

St. Mary of the Crown, Carbondale

  • Tuesdays, 8:00am – 9:00am
  • Thursday: 8:00am-9:00am
  • First Fridays of the month 8:00pm – 12:00am

St. Vincent, Basalt

  • Wednesdays: 8:00am – 9:00am
  • Fridays: 8:00am – 9:00am
  • First Thursdays of the month, 5:00am – 8:15am Friday morning

Our Mission

Our Catholic Community of St. Vincent and St. Mary of the Crown

We are one family bonded in Christ. We are called by God to serve the needs of all His people and to live and teach by Christ’s example. Welcoming all in their uniqueness, we share our prayers and Eucharistic worship, our gifts and talents and our joys and sufferings. We trust in the Word that leads us and nurtures us. 

St. Vincent, Basalt, CO

We the people of St. Vincent Parish; welcome all to the tradition of our patron saint. We are called:

  • to worship God in HIS WORD and SACRAMENT
  • to teach and live by Christ’s example
  • to serve the needs of all God’s people, especially the poor
  • to welcome all in their uniqueness, and to strengthen the unity of our talents and gifts

St. Mary of the Crown, Carbondale, CO

We, the Catholic Community of St. Mary of the Crown are a family bonded in Christ and enveloped in the love of our mother, Mary. We are called by God to vitally concerned for one another. As we journey together, we share our prayer and worship, our gifts and talents, our joys and sufferings, trusting in the Word that nurtures and leads us…





Becoming Catholic

Becoming Catholic

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